“No More Sugar!!”

If you’re anything like me as a parent, there are certain times and circumstances when our healthy eating habits go to the wayside. While a treat here and there can be enjoyable and balanced with other food choices, there may be other times where there is an increase in access to sugar and treats. ThisContinue reading ““No More Sugar!!””

Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby!

When our oldest child was 6 years old, it seemed way too young to talk about sex, right? Right?! We had just had a baby four months ago so he understood a little bit and we’ve never shied away from terms like vagina, vulva, penis, and so on. We’ve been really open about bodies, butContinue reading “Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby!”

Act As If You Can

When I initially started my career as an early childhood educator, I had the honor and privilege of hearing an incredible speaker, Chick Moorman. He said something that completely changed how I parent, how I teach children, and how I view myself. Childhood is a unique time of fluctuating independence and dependence, autonomy and reliance,Continue reading “Act As If You Can”

I love YOU enough to love ME

Parents and educators often ask me for advice about children’s behavior and development. This often includes things like tempering eruptive emotional responses, establishing better eating habits, cleaning up after themselves, reducing time using technology, or addressing swearing/name calling. Most of the time people want things they can do with or to the child to correctContinue reading “I love YOU enough to love ME”


This week I had the pleasure of hearing one of my favorite early childhood experts/authors, Dan Gartrell, speak at the NAEYC professional learning institute. In this session he emphasized that “readiness is not a state of knowledge but a state of mind”. This is an excellent reminder for parents and teachers that preparing children forContinue reading “Readiness”